Morphological, flow cytometric and cytogenetic evidence of a hybrid swarm between Elymus hispidus and E. repens in the Bílé Karpaty Mts, Czech Republic

Urfusová R., Urfus T., Krahulec F., Jarolímová V., Kopecký D., Mahelka V.
PRESLIA 96 : 97-122 , 2024
Klíčová slova: Elymus, flow cytometry, genome size, genomic in situ hybridization, hybrid swarm, Poaceae, polyploidy

Occurrence of Polypodium ×mantoniae and new localities for P. interjectum in the Czech Republic confirmed using flow cytometry

Bureš, P.; Tichý, L.; Wang, F.; Bartoš, Jan
PRESLIA 75 [4] : 293-310 , 2003
Klíčová slova: AT frequence; C value; ferns