Flavonol-induced changes in PIN2 polarity and auxin transport in the Arabidopsis thaliana rol1-2 mutant require phosphatase activity.
Kuhn B., Nodzyński T., Errafi S., Bucher R., Gupta S., Aryal B., Dobrev P., Bigler L., Geisler M., Zažímalová E., Friml J., Ringli Ch.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 : 13 , 2017
Klíčová slova: regulatory subunit, p-glycoproteins, lateral root, protein, efflux, phosphorylation, growth, accumulation, gravitropism, mutation
Chromosome-specific sequencing reveals an extensive dispensable genome component in wheat
Liu, M., Stiller, J., Holušová, K., Vrána, J., Liu, D., Doležel, J., Liu, C.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 : 36398 , 2016
Klíčová slova:
Molecular organization and comparative analysis of chromosome 5B of the wild wheat ancestor Triticum dicoccoides
Akpinar, B.A., Yuce, M., Lucas, S., Vrána, J., Burešová, V., Doležel, J., Budak, H.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 : 10763 , 2015
Klíčová slova: