Seznam grantů a projektů The role of members of AUX/LAX gene family in auxin influx into plant cell. Úloha Ran GTPáz v nukleaci mikrotubulů a organizaci mitotického vřeténka v acentrozomálních buňkách vyšších rostlin Změny v projevu heteróze u kukuřice v důsledku sucha: proč kříženci reagují odlišně než rodiče? Targeted gene integration in plants: Vectors, mechanisms and applications for protein production (TAGIP) Supramolecular materials based on natural phytosterols for potential application in biology and medicine The use of genomics and genetic engineering for identification and development of plant genotypes suitable for environment bioremediation Functional genomics and proteomics for crop improvement Integrated research of the plant genome Study of basic processes influencing degradation of urban water xenobiotics in plants and its application Biochemical and morphological parameters determining the cryotolerance of embryogenic cultures of conifers. Construction of BAC library and physical mapping of the wheat chromosome 3D Genomics and proteomics in plant breeding Integrovaný výzkum rostlinného genomu The role of cytokinin/abscisic acid balance in abiotic stress response and recovery. Centrum cílených terapeutik Study of basic processes influencing plant-environment interaction and its practical application The identification and studies of expression of the genes involved in photoperiodic flower induction in Chenopodium first previous 1 2 3 4 5(current)