Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Aryl Sulfotransferases: Sulfation of Quercetin and Its Derivatives
Purchartová K., Valentová K., Pelantová H., Marhol P., Cvačka J., Havlíček L., Křenková A., Vavříková E., Biedermann D., Chambers C.S., Křen V.CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 7 : 3152-3162 , 2015
Klíčová slova:
Spectroscopic, Morphological, and Mechanistic Investigation of the Solvent-Promoted Aggregation of Porphyrins Modified in meso Positions by Glucosylated Steroids
Zelenka K., Trnka T., Tišlerová I., Monti D., Cinti S., Naitana M. L., Schiaffino M., Venanzi M., Laguzzi G., Luvidi L., Mancini G., Nováková Z., Šimák O., Wimmer Z., Drašar P.CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 17 : 13743-13753 , 2011
Klíčová slova:
Interaction energies for the purine inhibitor roscovitine with cyclin-dependent kinase 2: Correlated ab initio quantum-chemical, DFT and empirical calculations
Dobeš, Petr; Otyepka, M.; Strnad, Miroslav; Hobza, PavelCHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 12 [16] : 4297-4304 , 2006
Klíčová slova: ab initio calculations; cyclin-dependent kinase; roscovitine