Water balance of tissue segments from leaves of different insertion level

Pospíšilová J.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 13: 193-199, 1971

Klíčová slova: water balance, leaf insertion, transpiration
Abstrakt: Abstract. Actual heterogeneity of indicators of water balance was studied on tissue segments from leaves of Brassica oleracea L. v. acephala and Nicotiana tabacum L. under controlled conditions. Maximal values of transpiration rate, water absorption rate, water transport rate and low values of WSD at the same time were observed at an initial WSD of 0~o in segments from middle leaves and at an initial WSD of 20~o mostly in segments from upper leaves. Although the properties of leaf tissue itself were probably the basic factors determining the actual heterogeneity of indicators of water balance, without connection with all other factors (e.g. various microclimates, supply of water) heterogeneity did not appear to a full degree.
DOI: 10.1007/BF02933636
Autoři z ÚEB: Jana Pospíšilová