Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated soil
Vaněk, Tomáš; Soudek, Petr; Vágner, Martin; Bjelková, M.; Griga, M.; Tykva, Richard
In Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view. Praha : ÚOCHB AV ČR : 75, 2003
Klíčová slova: land management; radionuclides; radiophytoremediation
Abstrakt: During large scale experiment on contaminated area flax accumulate low quantity of radionuclides, generally below safety limit.
Autoři z ÚEB: Petr Soudek, Martin Vágner, Tomáš Vaněk
In Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view. Praha : ÚOCHB AV ČR : 75, 2003
Klíčová slova: land management; radionuclides; radiophytoremediation
Abstrakt: During large scale experiment on contaminated area flax accumulate low quantity of radionuclides, generally below safety limit.